1.From the bottom of my heart 发自内心的 A:Amanda,I'm so sorry about what happened. I sincerely apologize... [查看全文]
1. Get the menu 要菜单 A: Would you get me the menu please? B: Yes. Just one minute. A:请把菜单拿来好... [查看全文]
1.Eat healthy 健康饮食 A: What do you have for lunch? B: I have vegetables most of the time. I eat hea... [查看全文]
1. Go across the street 过马路 A: Let's go across the street for a walk. B: Okay, sounds very nice.... [查看全文]
1. Get an organization chart 要组织机构图 A: Can I get an organization chart ? B: Did you get any autho... [查看全文]
1. Apply for an ID card 申请办理身份证 A: How can I apply for an ID card? B: There is a guy in charg... [查看全文]
1.In good hands 没问题,会处理得很好 A: Do you want to look at this presentation? B: No. It's in good... [查看全文]
1.Call to remind 打电话提醒 A: Jean, before the meeting, could you call to remind the attendees? B: Okay.... [查看全文]
1.Call to remind 打电话提醒 A: Jean, before the meeting, could you call to remind the attendees? B: Okay.... [查看全文]
1.Make it clear 弄清楚 A: Before we go to far, let's make it clear who does what. B: That's a ... [查看全文]