苏先生: Lucy, the meeting is scheduled for 2:00 this afternoon. Have you made the necessary arrangements?露西.我们... [查看全文]
肯: When does the public announcement start?发布会什么时候开始?哈里: In 5 minutes. Have you hosted an opening cerem... [查看全文]
展览会上,接待对公司产品很感兴趣的外国人,请看下面的英语情景对话。 布朗先生: Good afternoon. I am Mr. Brown, the ... [查看全文]
纺织品展会上,外国客户对公司的丝绸非常感兴趣,公司的接待莉莉女士向外商介绍公司的产品。请看下面的英语情景对话。 布朗先生: ... [查看全文]
公司产品展销会的日期已经近了,然后展销会的准备工作却进展得不顺利,经理向秘书了解展销会的准备进度,如展销会展厅的装潢、展览品的... [查看全文]
公司产品展销会的日期已经近了,然后展销会的准备工作却进展得不顺利,经理向秘书了解展销会的准备进度,如展销会展厅的装潢、展览品的... [查看全文]
萨姆:Have you discussed our most recent proposal with your senior management?你和你的上级管理层讨论过我们的最新提议了吗?... [查看全文]
萨拉:How did the first day`s negotiations go? Have you come to a compromise yet?第一天的谈判怎么样?你们已经达成了妥协... [查看全文]
哈里:Now we`ve decided to go global, what form of entry should we use to get into the US market?现在我们已经决定... [查看全文]
麦克:Hi, Mr. Tom. You`ve been working for three hours at those accounts. How about going out for some lunch?你好... [查看全文]