Unit 3 投诉篇1. 航班延误投诉航班延误投诉英文邮件范文1Dear sir or madam,I am writing in regards to the sudden and un... [查看全文]
Unit 2 入学材料篇世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第二章 Unit 2-1 自荐信世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第二章 Unit 2-2 推荐... [查看全文]
5. 留学准备工作提示留学准备工作提示英文邮件范文1Dear Li Ming,I am delighted to tell you that we have admired your ap... [查看全文]
4. 入学通知书入学通知书英文邮件范文1Dear Li Ming,I am delighted to inform you that the university has approved your... [查看全文]
3. 推荐人确认信推荐人确认信英文邮件范文1Dear Professor LiThank you for writing a letter supporting John's applicati... [查看全文]
2. 推荐信推荐信英文邮件范文1Dear Sir or Madam:I take pleasure in recommending to you John who hopes to attend your... [查看全文]
Unit 2 入学材料篇1. 自荐信自荐信英文邮件范文1Dear Sir/Madame,I am a senior at the Department of Computer Science,Sou... [查看全文]
Unit 1 申请篇世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第二章 Unit 1-1 留学申请世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第二章 Unit 1-2 请假申... [查看全文]
6. 转换专业申请转换专业申请英文邮件范文1Dear Sir or Madam,I am a sophomore in this university. I major in Germany. ... [查看全文]
5. 学生宿舍申请学生宿舍申请英文邮件范文1Dear Sir or Madam,I am a freshman of your university. I'm writing to app... [查看全文]