Question: What's the best way to get a job when you don't have all the experience or background a c... [查看全文]
Preparing for an interview can be stressful -- and time-consuming. You can spend days researching a company, ... [查看全文]
Ø Selling our skills is something we can learn how to do and a key to this is to be proactive. Ant... [查看全文]
Everyone knows how to introduce themselves, right? It's just like those name tags organizers pass out at ... [查看全文]
Everyone knows how to introduce themselves, right? It's just like those name tags organizers pass out at ... [查看全文]
想找一份满意的工作吗?面试中面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问,有没有觉得心慌意乱、无所适从?求职过程中面试尤为重要,回答问题,如果能简明扼... [查看全文]
建议一:精心设计一个自然的开场白。 例如:C(考官):May I come in?(我能进来吗?) I(应聘者):Yes, please. Oh, you a... [查看全文]
通常认为,求职者在英语面试时,最重要的原则是诚实(honesty),也就是有一说一,有二说二,既不夸大,也不缩小,这样实话实说,往往可... [查看全文]
1. i have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company.本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。2. i... [查看全文]
细节决定成败!尤其是在面试的短短几十分钟里,一切小细节都有可能决定你能不能拿到offer。你精心准备的面试回答很有可能被一支写不出的... [查看全文]