nurse 病室护士长 charge nurse 社区护士 community nurse 总护士长 chief head nurse 保健护士 healthcare nurs... [查看全文]
应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine 生物学 Biolog... [查看全文]
a.c. 饭前 a.h. 每2h,隔1h a.j. 早饭前 a.m 上午 a.p. 午饭前 a.u.agit 使用前振荡 aa. 各 abs.febr 不... [查看全文]
For skin patches: 皮肤膏 Apply the patch to a clean, dry skin area that has little or no hair and is ... [查看全文]
Proper use of your medicine 正确用药 Take medicine only as directed, at the right time, and for the full... [查看全文]
Use of Medicines(1)用药常识(1)Before using your medicine用药前Before using any medicine, telhealth care professionals:... [查看全文]
Respiratory drugs呼吸系统药物 Acetylcysteine 乙酰半胱氨酸 Ammonium chloride 氯化铵 Bromhexine 溴已新 Carbocys... [查看全文]
Drugs for central nervous system 中枢神经系统药 Citicoline 胞磷胆碱 Meclofenoate 甲氯芬酯 Bemegride 贝美格 ... [查看全文]
Anesthetics 麻醉药 Enflurane 恩氟烷 Halothane 氟烷 Isoflurane 异氟烷 Nitrous Oxide 氧化亚氮 Sevoflurane ... [查看全文]
Anti bacterial Drugs (抗微生物药物) Penicillin 青霉素 Procaine 普鲁卡因 Oxacillin 苯唑西林 Ampicillin 氨苄... [查看全文]