奥黛丽·赫本常常被人称作是降临人间的天使,这不仅仅是因为她年轻时清丽脱俗的外表,演艺圈的辉煌灿烂,还因为她具有一颗善良的心。晚年的... [查看全文]
加拿大帅哥总理特鲁多被媒体称为有着好莱坞的明星脸,在这个看脸的时代,特鲁多这张大帅脸分分钟让一些平时只会刷剧的人们一下关心起政治来... [查看全文]
北京时间2016年9月10日,姚明正式入选奈史密斯名人堂。入选仪式上,姚明第一个登台发表演讲。调侃其他球星的黑历史,抱怨自己女儿踢足球不... [查看全文]
Ladies and Gentlemen:It’s my honor to stand here and make a speech. My topic is Chinese Tea Culture.这是我... [查看全文]
The mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king... [查看全文]
The mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king... [查看全文]
The mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king... [查看全文]
Thank you so much for those words. Wow.President of the General Assembly, United Nations,UN Deputy Secretary-Genera... [查看全文]
演讲全文、中文翻译以及小编点评如下:Academic award.奥斯卡奖…【奥斯卡奖一般专业的说法不叫Oscar,Oscar 指那尊小金人。Academic Aw... [查看全文]
我们什么时候开始学习?在出生之前。科普作家安妮·摩尔菲·保罗谈到有研究显示我们在子宫中就开始了学习——包括母语的语调还有出生后喜欢... [查看全文]