也许大家不知道,马云上大学的时候念的是英语专业,之后还在大学教过书,再后来开了一家翻译公司,再然后就有了阿里巴巴。有关于马云学习英... [查看全文]
近日,凯特王妃夫妇参加了关注儿童心理健康的慈善活动Place2Be,并发表讲话,呼吁更多的人关注儿童心理健康问题。来听听王妃的纯正英音~Spe... [查看全文]
近日,男神胡歌现身在上海东方艺术中心举行的无界梦想家教育论坛,压轴登场发表英文演讲,分享他关于教育和成长的追梦之旅。即将赴美游学的... [查看全文]
Vice President Pence: Welcome to the WhiteHouse. Ladies and gentlemen, the President of theUnited States. Pre... [查看全文]
Prime Minister Theresa May: I would like to startby welcoming everybody here to Number 10 DowningStreet &ndash... [查看全文]
Thank you, guys. I'm out of words and Rafa said so many greatthings. But of course, I'd like to a... [查看全文]
Thank you very much. And I am pleased to be here in Turkey today and to be able to meet Prime Minister Y... [查看全文]
My fellow Americans, This week, I nominated Neil Gorsuch for the UnitedStates Supreme Court. Judge Gorsuch... [查看全文]
Time to Talk is an important day in our nationalcalendar – a day when we put the issue of mentalhealt... [查看全文]
Thank you, Naheed, for being such a strong advocate for the people who call Calgary home. The pride that yo... [查看全文]