Apple Announces New TV Service, Expanded News, Credit CardApple has announced several new product offerings, includ... [查看全文]
Report: US Set Twice as Many Heat Records as Cold in Last 20 Years报告称美国过去20年创下的高温纪录... [查看全文]
Mars Researchers Find First Evidence of Planet-Wide Groundwater System火星研究人员发现全行星范围地下水... [查看全文]
Israeli Spacecraft Makes History with Successful Moon Launch以色列登月太空飞船成功发射An Israeli space... [查看全文]
Huge Space Rocks Are Hitting Earth Twice as Often as BeforeHuge rocks from outer space, or asteroids, are fallin... [查看全文]
US to Offer Nuclear Waste Technology to Other Countries美国准备向其它国家提供核废料技术The U.S. Depar... [查看全文]
Study: Americans Approve of Gene Editing Only for Health Purposes研究表明美国人仅赞同把基因编辑用于健... [查看全文]
US Carbon Emissions Rise in 2018 Because of Industry, Fuel Demand美国2018年碳排放有所增长After falli... [查看全文]
Can Satellites Help Identify Extreme Poverty?The fight against poverty is getting help from faraway objects: satell... [查看全文]
Phone Apps May Soon Predict Teen DepressionRising rates of depression among American teenagers and young adults ha... [查看全文]