3-D Printing Adds New Dimension to Heart SurgeryBy VOA25 January, 2015From VOA Learning English, this is the Tech... [查看全文]
Internet-Connected Refrigerators and Stoves?Ultra HDTV's, Home Automation Are Hot Trends at Electronics ShowThe C... [查看全文]
Expert: High Costs Prevent Automated Airplane TrackingMilitary and rescue authorities monitor progress in the search... [查看全文]
3-D Printed Model Heart Guides Surgeons, Saves Lives3D打印心脏模型指导外科医生挽救生命Researchers a... [查看全文]
Dinosaurs Live Again at an American Museum美国博物馆的恐龙再次重现Demise of America's Dinosaur... [查看全文]
USPoliticians Debate 'Net Neutrality'美国政客争论网络中立Protesters demonstrate across the s... [查看全文]
Filipino Fishermen Turn to Fiberglass for New Boats菲律宾渔民用玻璃纤维制造新船When Typhoon Haiyan... [查看全文]
Ghana's Bamboo Bikes Hit the Streets加纳大街上的竹子脚踏车Bicycle frames are usually made out... [查看全文]
Researchers Work on 3-D Printing of Living TissueResearchers at the Medical University of South Carolina experiment... [查看全文]
Questions for NASA after Rocket ExplosionUnmanned Antares rocket is seen exploding seconds after lift off from a ... [查看全文]