Tens of thousands try for Australia's six "Best Jobs in the World"导读:全球各地已经有4万多人申请了澳大利亚的六个世... [查看全文]
A study has found that marrying later in life is financially beneficial for women, but not for men.The Universit... [查看全文]
What employers are looking for obviously varies from job to job, but many businesses like hiring recent graduates... [查看全文]
外企的招聘广告中常常有很多缩略语,让国人看起来头疼不已。下面是一些此类广告中常见的缩略语,帮助你看懂广告、对职出招。admin: admini... [查看全文]
Job-seekers know from harsh experience that the toughest hurdle in a job search is getting the interview. Once y... [查看全文]
Do you get up in the morning and dread going to work? Is your work-life balance swaying in the wrong direction... [查看全文]
Learning how to deal with office politics is like walking through a minefield. A mixture of personalities and wo... [查看全文]
A handsome man can earn a fifth more than a plainer colleague but a beautiful woman is not paid a penny more... [查看全文]
1. Show up for every check-in with the full agenda —send it a day or more ahead (Give your manager time and... [查看全文]
Lisa告诉同事Emily新年过后准备辞职,因为她觉得眼下的工作很无聊,没有升职的机会,她还说:Lisa: The other problem is that I th... [查看全文]