Some of the BBC’s most high-profile female personalities have called on the corporation to "act now" to dea... [查看全文]
While major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou remain popular for job seekers, China’s second-tier ... [查看全文]
A total of 30 regions in China have extended paid maternity leave to up to one year, one of the supportive me... [查看全文]
Forbes China has released the ranking of the best chief executive officers of China’s listed companies.The r... [查看全文]
新西兰一家公司从三月初开始试行每周四天工作制,结果怎么样呢?每周有三天假期是很爽,但是五天的工作要在四天内干完也是挺有压力的。来看... [查看全文]
相信我们中很多人都遇到过这种情况。因为种种原因,想要请假,或者,你干脆想换份工作……Michelle Gibbings是澳大利亚职业导师,主要致力... [查看全文]
Meet Zhou Qunfei: former factory worker, high school dropout and now, with a net worth of over US$8 billion , ... [查看全文]
It is one of the simplest shoes on the planet: a piece of plastic, roughly the outline of your foot, with a ... [查看全文]
We all know we’re supposed to show up to work on time, respect our managers, and meet deadlines as assign... [查看全文]
A third of companies are concerned about young people’s attitude to work, a report by business leaders says... [查看全文]