xxx3711 Johnson StreetRaleigh,NC 27604Phone no.- 919-873-9490Email address-Career GoalWant to prove the interpersonal ... [查看全文]
Dion Hensley4654 Koontz LaneNorth Hollywood,CA 91605Tel: 818-759-5158Email ID- contactdion@freemail.comCareer ObjectiveTo... [查看全文]
Andre NorbertCity, State24th ABC, Boulevard Home: 10021-002365-54897Cell: 1250-12548-98751E-mail:Career Profile:A highly... [查看全文]
Do要做的事Wear the right outfit: Make sure you know what the dress code is for the office. One good idea is to... [查看全文]
自我介绍的时间不要过长,最好是一至三分钟。最初你可能会觉得时间太长,但当你真正要介绍自己三项特质时,你就会发现时间不够用了。WHAT ... [查看全文]
范例一:Room for improvement改进的空间How do you think the report I wrote?你觉得我写的报告怎么样?Not bad. But there i... [查看全文]
范例一:Buying funds买基金When it comes to select a fund, you will always read "Past performance is not an indica... [查看全文]
鼓励:Do my best尽我最大努力Is the view going to be ok?视图没问题吧?Don’t worry, you did a good job and it ... [查看全文]
范例一:When to wear business suit什么时候穿西装You look very professional in the suit.你穿上西装看起来很专业。The comp... [查看全文]
范例一:Work it out between yourselves你们自己解决Hello, Mr. Thomas. Could you spare a minute?托马斯现在,你好。你能抽... [查看全文]