Nobody likes having to actually ask for a promotion.?Advocating for yourself?is a lot harder than speaking up for... [查看全文]
Young workers are earning less because they don't switch jobs enough, experts are warning.专家称,近来年轻职工的... [查看全文]
38. Be herd or be heard. Unless you voice out, nobody will know you exist!38. 要么融入群体,要么鹤立鸡群。你不发声... [查看全文]
1. Work smart.1. 聪明地工作。2. Work hard.2. 努力地工作。3. Develop a good sense of prioritization.3. 培养事务优先排... [查看全文]
Over the years I have been with Adobe, the company has been named to many "Best Companies to Work For" lists ... [查看全文]
First things first: anyone who tells you that you can always dodge the salary history question is probably tryin... [查看全文]
Bored at work? Try suing your employer.工作太无聊?那就起诉你老板吧。That’s what Parisian Frederic Desnard is doi... [查看全文]
With warmer months just around the corner, the summer internship hunt is now in full swing for college students... [查看全文]
First of all know this: you’re valuable. We love you. You’re important to the business. It’s jus... [查看全文]
1.切忌主客不分或模糊。例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for... [查看全文]