Aung San Suu Kyi Nominated to Myanmar’s CabinetDemocracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been nominated to beco... [查看全文]
Vietnam Puts Blogger on Trial for Anti-Government PostsA well-known Vietnamese blogger will go on trial this week... [查看全文]
Islamic State Terrorists Lose Large Areas of Syria, Iraq伊斯兰国在叙利亚和伊拉克失去大片控制范围Militar... [查看全文]
Israeli and US Jews: Alike and DifferentJews in Israel and the United States share pride in their religion, says... [查看全文]
参考译文BusBombingKills15inPakistan巴基斯坦大巴车爆炸15人死亡AbombexplodedonacrowdedbusWednesdayinthenorthwesternPakistantownofPes... [查看全文]
One-Third of Innovators in US Are ImmigrantsMore than one-third of U.S. innovators are born outside the U.S.Only ... [查看全文]
Boko Haram Bombs Mosque in NigeriaThe suicide bombing attack of a mosque near Maiduguri, Nigeria, killed at least... [查看全文]
Brazilians Demand President's Ouster百万巴西人游行 要求总统下台Brazilian police said 3 million peo... [查看全文]
Obama Names Garland to Supreme CourtPresident Barack Obama has nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.Garla... [查看全文]
Anti-Immigrant Party Wins Seats in Germany德国反移民政党来势汹汹In Germany, a political party opposed... [查看全文]