参考译文Chocolate-Covered French Fries Anyone?巧克力薯条?Fast-food chain McDonald’s is adding french fries drizzle... [查看全文]
参考译文Debris May Be From MH370发现MH370新疑似残骸A piece of metal from missing Malaysia Airways Flight 370 may ha... [查看全文]
Don't Come to Europe, EC Chief Tells MigrantsMigrants should not travel to Europe, says European Council Presi... [查看全文]
Refugee Crisis Could Explode Violently in EuropeEurope could soon explode into uncontrollable and widespread violenc... [查看全文]
China Blocks South China Sea中国海军封锁南海菲船搁浅现场China has stationed up to five ships around... [查看全文]
Mexican Presidents Take Issue With TrumpVicente Fox was the president of Mexico for six years, starting in 2000.H... [查看全文]
North Korea Flies Missiles After UN SanctionsNorth Korea launched several short-range missiles from its eastern coa... [查看全文]
参考译文China Doubles Exports of Weapons中国武器出口翻了一倍A research group from Sweden says China’s weapons ex... [查看全文]
Attacks Near Baghdad Kills DozensIslamic State militants carried out two suicide attacks outside of Baghdad, killin... [查看全文]
Kelly, Kornienko Land on Earth after Year in SpaceScott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko have their feet on the groun... [查看全文]