A Russian fighter jet was shot down along the border between Turkeyand Syria on Tuesday.周二... [查看全文]
At least 100 bodies have been recovered and 100 are still missing following a landslide near... [查看全文]
North Koreahas declared a "no-sail zone" off its eastern coast and raised concerns that it w... [查看全文]
At least 32 people are dead and 80 others were wounded after an explosion Tuesday in Nigeri... [查看全文]
Russia admits that last month's airplane crash in Egypt was a terrorist attack.俄罗斯确认上... [查看全文]
News reports say the militant group Islamic State has released a video in which it threatens... [查看全文]
It seemed like a routine transport of soft drinks: 48,000 cans of Pepsi cola.运送48,000罐百事... [查看全文]
参考译文It remains unclear why a shooter killed five people at a Jordanpolice training center Monday, a U.S. Stat... [查看全文]
Election results in Myanmarshow big victories for Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League f... [查看全文]
Workers at a collapsed Pakistani factory begged for rescue and called for help on mobile pho... [查看全文]