FBI Says Hate Crimes Rose Again in 2016The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says hate crimes rose across th... [查看全文]
Burundi Refugees Fear ReturningMore than 400,000 people have fled Burundi to neighboring African countries because ... [查看全文]
The True Story of Pocahontas关于印第安公主波卡洪塔斯的真实历史Pocahontas is one of the most famous f... [查看全文]
Eight Things You Didn't Know Google Translate Could Do谷歌翻译8大神奇功能As smartphones continue... [查看全文]
Indonesian Village Uses Owls to Protect CropsTo make room for agriculture, trees and other plants are often clear... [查看全文]
Social Media Companies Criticized over Russian Interference社交媒体公司因为俄罗斯干涉选举受到批评United ... [查看全文]
How Catalonia’s Independence Efforts Raise Tensions in Belgium加泰罗尼亚独立运动在比利时引发紧张局... [查看全文]
Saudi Crown Prince Detains Opponents, Expands Power沙特王储排除异己以扩大权力The Crown Prince of Saud... [查看全文]
Police, Public Search for Motive in Latest US Mass ShootingA gunman in Texas shot and killed 26 people in a ch... [查看全文]
Saudi Arabia Is First Country to Give Citizenship to RobotSaudi Arabia says it has become the first country in ... [查看全文]