ILO: More than 200 Million People are Unemployed国际劳工组织:2亿人处于失业状态The International L... [查看全文]
American Wins Nobel Prize in Economics美国经济学家获得2017年诺贝尔经济学奖American economist Richard... [查看全文]
Half of Teenagers in US and Japan ‘Addicted’ to Smartphones一半的美国和日本青少年沉溺... [查看全文]
Scientists Praise Developments in Smell TechnologyWould you buy a car that released calming smells into the air w... [查看全文]
参考译文US Teenagers Seeking Election as State Governor美国青少年竞选州长At least four teenagers have launched campaig... [查看全文]
Bicycles Mean Less Demand for Fuel in East AsiaMillions of people in cities across Asia are using phone apps to... [查看全文]
S. Korea Seeks to Take Over Wartime Control of Military From US韩国寻求从美国手中接管战时行动指挥权S... [查看全文]
Switzerland Has World’s Most Competitive Economy瑞士是全球最具竞争力经济体Switzerland is the worl... [查看全文]
Experts Doubt North Korea Would Target US Warplanes专家不认为朝鲜会瞄准美国战机Military experts say N... [查看全文]
Iraqi Kurds Leader Claims Victory in Independence VoteIraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani claimed victory in the r... [查看全文]