English @ the Movies: 'Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?'日本无惧于机器人取代人类工作... [查看全文]
Largest Single US Lottery Payout Gives Winner $759 Million美国最大单注彩票开出7.59亿美元奖金A very lu... [查看全文]
Terrorists Again Using Vehicles to Carry Out Attacks恐怖分子再次利用汽车发动袭击Once again, terrorists... [查看全文]
US Navy Commander Dismissed After Accidents in the PacificThe U.S. Navy has dismissed the commander of the 7th F... [查看全文]
Trump Announces New Plan for AfghanistanPresident Donald Trump says that the United States must continue fighting ... [查看全文]
US War Ship Hits Tanker, 10 Sailors Missing美国军舰撞击油轮,10名水手失踪For the second time in two... [查看全文]
US Wants to Make it Easier for Americans to Stop SmokingThe United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wan... [查看全文]
South Korea Says US in Close Communications Over North韩国称美韩两国在朝鲜问题上保持着密切沟通South Ko... [查看全文]
UN: Over One Million South Sudan Refugees in UgandaThe United Nations says over one million people have entered ... [查看全文]
Trump Again Blames 'Both Sides' for Charlottesville Violence川普再次指责夏洛茨维尔事件双方皆有责... [查看全文]