Daily Dialogue 日常会话Cold WeatherBen: Did you hear how cold it got last night?Kitty: I heard the weather rep... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ key [ki:] n. 钥匙▲ open [ˈəupən] v. 打开▲ home [həum] n. 家,住宅Δ take off 脱掉,褪去▲... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话MoveMartin: Hurry up,Sweetie.The moving company has sent a truck to our home.Have you ti... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ move [mu:v] v. 迁居;移动▲ movement [ˈmu:vmənt] n. 搬迁▲ removal [riˈmu:vəl] n. 搬迁▲ remo... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Not Too lateRita: Hey,Lisa.Wake up!Lisa: Do I have to get up now?Rita: You'd better ... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ alarm [əˈlɑ:m] n. 闹钟,警报▲ wake [weik] v. 醒来;唤醒Δ wake up 叫醒,唤醒▲ awake [əˈweik... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Sweet HouseAdam: Sweet heart!I need a new designer to decorate our new house.Sunny: Hmm,... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ interior [inˈtiəriə] n. 室内装饰▲ furniture [ˈfə:nitʃə] n. 家具▲ wall [wɔ:l] n. 墙壁▲ ... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Renting an Apartment or Buying a HouseBill: I'm looking for somewhere to move.Ada: Oh yea... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ house- hunting 猎狩房子;做房产生意,买卖房子Δ double-room apartment 两居室▲ payment [ˈpeimənt] n. 付... [查看全文]