Daily Dialogue 日常会话AllergyDoctor: Good afternoon,have a seat,please.What's wrong with you?Gaby: I feel chill... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ albumen [ˈælbjʊmɪn] n. 蛋白▲ amino [əˈmi:nəu] n. 氨基 adj. 氨基的▲ calcium [ˈkælsiəm]... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Diet BuddiesPatty: Incredibly,Eddie.Are you having a salad for lunch?No meat?No hamburger... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐;早饭▲ lunch [lʌntʃ] n. 午餐▲ supper [ˈsʌpə] n. 晚餐,晚饭... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Shinning WatchLisa: Hello,what's that shining thing on your wrist?Let me see.Oh,that's a... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ artificial [ˌɑːtiˈfiʃəl] adj. 人造的;仿造的▲ beautiful [ˈbju:tiful] adj. 美丽的▲ brand [bræ... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Keeping HealthySam: Morning,welcome to Fitness Center.Can I help you?CiCi: I want to joi... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ otherwise [ˈʌðəwaiz] adv. 否则▲ regularly [ˈreɡjələli] adv. 有规律地▲ jog [dзכɡ] n. ... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Hair SalonTim: It's been a long time,Lily.Lily: Yes,I went to Korea on a vacation with... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ perm [pə:m] n.&v. 烫发▲ wave [weiv] n. 卷发,波浪▲ permanent [ˈpə:mənənt] n. 烫发▲ curly... [查看全文]