1.足球运动:football(在美国指橄榄球运动); soccer; association football;socker; footy2.世界杯足球锦标赛:World Cup (Soccer T... [查看全文]
Mr Forgetful=健忘先生Mr Nice Guy=好好先生Mr lonely=寂寞先生Mr Sarcasm=爱讽刺人的人Mr Messy=不讲卫生的人Mr Clean=遵纪守法的... [查看全文]
The term twelfth man is used to refer to the fans of a football team. Each team in football has 11 players o... [查看全文]
The whole country goes respectfully silent during the exams. Flights are re-routed, and people are banned from ho... [查看全文]
它是真正的全球第一考,每年有1800万考生及超过2亿的报考费,大家调侃愿用大学四年桃花运换一次426。可是你造么!六级成绩,用来申请香港高... [查看全文]
韩国冷面韩国冷面的特色是里面加有冰块使汤汁冰凉爽口,非常适宜夏季祛暑。劲道的冷面配上黄瓜条、梨片、煮鸡蛋和牛肉,再加入几滴芥末油,... [查看全文]
To put together the salary list, NerdScholar started with the top 100 national universities from US News & World... [查看全文]
在澳大利亚,football这个词可以指完全不同的运动项目,这完全取决于你身居何地。在某些州,football指的是澳式橄榄球(Australian footbal... [查看全文]
教育部、国家语委29日在京发布2013年中国语言生活状况报告,中央八项规定棱镜门H7N9土豪自贸试验区单独二胎中国大妈光盘行动女汉子十面霾伏... [查看全文]
老鹰捉小鸡Chicken vs Eagle;跳皮筋Rubber band skipping;滚铁环Iron ring pushing;折纸Paper folding;跳房子Hopscotch;翻毛线Turne... [查看全文]