1.horse horse tiger tiger———马马虎虎2.go and look!———走着瞧!3.give you some color see see———给你点颜色看看4.how... [查看全文]
afghani 阿富汗尼(阿富汗) baht 铢(泰国)CFAF 非洲金融共同体法郎 cruzeiro 克鲁塞罗(巴西)dirham 迪拉姆(阿联酋、摩洛哥) dong ... [查看全文]
目前,北京地铁的英文站名是用拼音翻译的,因为作为一个千年古都,其地名实在是太有文化味,实在是难以翻译。为此北京地铁方面还曾提出向市... [查看全文]
The notification said all buyers of gasoline in bulk must present identification and may buy the gasoline they n... [查看全文]
1. You’re just in love with the concept of love。你只是喜欢爱情本身的美好。Cliché but this is most like... [查看全文]
1.刘备:袁绍是个扶不起的阿斗。Liu Bei said: Yuan Shao is like "A-Dor" who never deserves a pull。2.张飞:吕布,你竟失... [查看全文]
Football 足球Basketball 篮球Volleyball 排球Baseball 棒球Badminton 羽毛球Tennis 网球Table tennis 乒乓球Softball 垒球Golf ... [查看全文]
重庆南开中学学生彭书涵被美国深泉学院录取的消息近日在微博上广为转发。深泉学院地处美国加州东部沙漠深处的一片小绿洲中,是美国最顶尖学... [查看全文]
Time. You can't recover it, make up for it, or reverse it. There are 24 hours in a day and 168 in a wee... [查看全文]
用英语道歉,你是不是马上想到了I'm sorry?其实,英语中道歉有多种不同的表达,比如My bad、I apologize、Excuse me等。这些表达正... [查看全文]