1. Ask yourself: Who am I? 问问自己:我是谁? 2. Ask a friend who knows you well to help you. 让知己来... [查看全文]
1. Understand the process of freezing strawberries before choosing a method. 在选择任何一种冷冻草莓的方法之前,你... [查看全文]
为纪念曼德拉这位南非革命家,我们在此摘选了他的一些睿智名言,以激励我们所有人完善自我、善待他人。 A good head and a goo... [查看全文]
A frail old manlived with his son, his daughter-in-law, and his four-year-old grandson. Hiseyes were blurry, his ... [查看全文]
The world of cookies is vast. Chocolate chip cookies alone present a plethora of options, from chips to chun... [查看全文]
1. Wrap bread in plastic or aluminum foil. 1. 用塑料或铝箔包装面包 These types of wrappings will trap in ... [查看全文]
"Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. [查看全文]
1) Cut the small talk. Discuss what matters.别整天闲聊了,讨论一下实质的问题。First, happier participants spent more t... [查看全文]
一个小男孩对小女孩说:我是你的BF。女孩扬起童真的脸,问:什么是BF?男孩嘻嘻笑道:是BestFriend?的意思。后来,他们恋爱了。小伙子对姑娘... [查看全文]
写英语邮件,开头须写得正式得体,尤其是向素不相识的人发邮件。比如,一个你不认识的人这么喊你: 喂!那边那谁,给我过来。 你... [查看全文]