A recent study has found that "extreme" music genres -- including heavy metal, emo, punk and screamo -- may act... [查看全文]
Researchers have found we have an inbuilt ability to tell howintelligent a man is just by looking at them. The... [查看全文]
A man nicknamed 'Maximouth' for his ability to stuff huge amounts of objects into his mouth has broken a... [查看全文]
1. Dried Pasta干意大利面条 If you cook and eat it after a decade, for instance, it may lose a bit of fla... [查看全文]
Many believe that dinosaurs and humans once coexisted, but most know that current technology doesn't allow for... [查看全文]
Contrary to popular opinion, not all fruit is created equal.与大众舆论相左,并非所有的水果都是一样的功效。While some fr... [查看全文]
Man is a social animal and ought to socialize, but with company around, there are times when egos tend to mingle along as well. [查看全文]
Eton launches online lessons for China伊顿公学在中国推出在线课程Eton College is going to launch online lessons for s... [查看全文]
As if hanging ten weren't difficult enough, try hanging 66.在冲浪板上站10个人已经非常难, 那66个人呢?On Saturday, ... [查看全文]
Manitoba 9-year-old writes to world leaders — and they respond九岁男孩给各国领导人写信 朝鲜回信A nine-year-old boy f... [查看全文]