Each time you pick up the phone and chat with a new person, that stranger is subconciously judging you from yo... [查看全文]
Sleeping in a room with too much light has been linked to an increased risk of piling on the pounds, a study... [查看全文]
According to a new study of the role of testosterone in business negotiations, if someone's ring finger and ... [查看全文]
Movie Genres电影种类Let’s start with what type of movies you like. Do you like thrillers, science fiction, c... [查看全文]
My usual look: Swept off the face我平常的发型:直接捋到后面Most women know that the right haircut and colour can t... [查看全文]
福建农林大学南平校区,为学生定制专属的四级菜单。昨天在微博上,网友今日农大爆料,农林大南平校区,食堂里新增了很多点餐牌,上面都是四... [查看全文]
每年6、7月份都会出现持续天阴有雨的气候现象,立夏刚过,相信大家已经感受到了南方阴湿的梅雨季节。英文中有不少关于雨的表达相信大家一定... [查看全文]
1.红色(red)1)When I menttioned it to him,he went red。(脸红,羞愧)2) The policemen caught the thief red-handed。(当场... [查看全文]
1. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。[正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished.2.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。[误] ... [查看全文]
随着全球化进程,以英语为母语的人们也开始学习外语了。加拿大英语讲师安妮·梅里特日前列出对母语为英语的人来说最容易学习的十大外语。不... [查看全文]