I kinda like/dig you. 我有点喜欢你。I kinda have a crush on you. 我有点喜欢你/对你有感觉。I kinda have a thing for... [查看全文]
1. My brain is better than everybody's!朕是全世界最聪明的人!——《生活大爆炸》2. You distract me. I've been di... [查看全文]
"A Touch of Sin" by Jia Zhangke won the award for Best Screenplayin Cannes in 2013. 2013年,贾樟柯导演的《天注定》... [查看全文]
2014戛纳电影节:十大不可错过佳片Cannes Film Festival 2014: 10 movies we can't wait to seeClouds of Sils Maria 《... [查看全文]
《舌尖上的中国2》第五集《相逢》讲述了许多凝聚乡情的美食,如烩南北、盆菜、西湖醋鱼、大盘鸡、红烧牛肉面、淡菜等,那么这些美食用英语... [查看全文]
1.以前,你可以随心所欲吃任何想吃的东西,而不用担心生病、胃不舒服或体重明显增加;以前,你几乎从不运动,体型也不会发酵一圈。但现在,... [查看全文]
1) I love you with all my heart。我全心全意爱你。2) I love you for you。我真心爱你。3) For the same reason you l... [查看全文]
《舌尖上的美国》共有九集:第一集:Five Guys 五人帮第二集:In N out 来来往往第三集:Carl’s jr 卡乐星第四集:Burger Ki... [查看全文]
But what if you could get out ahead of the curve and visit a place BEFORE it started swarming with other huma... [查看全文]
Here are some of the most popular texts we've seen on Twitter, but what would you send?下面就是我们搜罗的推特... [查看全文]