每日膳食宣布了美国最好的101家餐馆的年度名单。这里从芝加哥的女孩与山羊餐馆开始,从第20名一直列到第1名。第20名:女孩与山羊餐厅第19名... [查看全文]
第一名:Venice 威尼斯许多人都说巴黎是浪漫之都,但实际上,巴黎人一辈子都梦想的王国,却是威尼斯。威尼斯被称为浪漫水都,又称为Queen... [查看全文]
1. mutton dressed as lamb 装嫩例:Do you think this skirt is too short? I don't want to look like mutton d... [查看全文]
许多时候,我们面对的困难......我们无法解决......我们企图逃避的时候,却发现我们已经......这时我们开始呼求:上帝啊!上帝啊!......"帮... [查看全文]
1. Take the long view从长远的角度看Discouragement generally occurs when our expectations (what we think should happe... [查看全文]
1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What‘s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. You s... [查看全文]
1.曲面智能手机 如今引领时尚潮流的两款曲面智能手机是三星Galaxy Round和LG的G Flex,他们均采用安卓系统。 2014 年1月6日,... [查看全文]
Things You’ll Need你需要这些:CD Players CD机 Answering Machines 答录机 Printers 打印机 Candles 蜡烛Flowers 花 ... [查看全文]
We hold love in our hearts rather than our hands, and we see it only when we give it to another. Simple, hea... [查看全文]