For you, what is time对你来说,时间是什么Time is grain for peasants.对农民来说,时间就是粮食。Time is wealth for worke... [查看全文]
这个测试是菲尔博士在著名主持人欧普拉的节目里做的,国际上称为菲尔人格测试,这已经成为很多大公司人事部门实际用人的试金石。用笔记下你... [查看全文]
Good Time (Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen)这首是由美国男歌手Owl City和加拿大女歌手Carly Rae Jepsen共同演唱的单曲。歌曲清新... [查看全文]
1.Software Developers (Applications and Systems Software)软件开发者(应用及系统软件)Jobs added between 2010 and 2013: 10... [查看全文]
新年好Happy Chinese New Year!恭喜发财Wish you prosperity!马年大吉Best wishes for the Year of the Horse!万事如意Wish y... [查看全文]
1.The fact is that the world is out of everyone’s expectation. But some learn to forget, but others insist... [查看全文]
一个年轻漂亮的美国女孩在美国一家大型网上论坛金融版上发表了这样一个问题帖:我怎样才能嫁给有钱人?我下面要说的都是心里话。本人25岁,... [查看全文]
中国消费者协会日前发布《出境旅游购物六注意》,提醒广大消费者出境购物应注意以下内容:一、参团须防低价游。新《旅游法》严禁零负团费组... [查看全文]
Foodies, Time for New Year Lucky Food. 吃货们,新年幸运大餐,开动啦!Grapes 葡萄New Year’s revelers in Spain con... [查看全文]
关于【cold】的地道口语短句:1. It's cold out there.外头很冷。2. It made my blood run cold.吓得我魂都没了。3. She g... [查看全文]