Johny Depp always travels with his Capt. Jack Sparrow costume to make impromptu visits to sick kids in hospita... [查看全文]
Answered by Ryan Chew Ryan Chew的回复: Shall I let you in on a secret? 我该告诉你一个秘密吗? The restaurants ar... [查看全文]
Answered by George Graham George Graham的回复: Some time ago a friend of mine was drinking in a bar with his ... [查看全文]
Q: What is the single most revealing thing about any person? 问:有什么事情最能揭示一个人的本质? Not something they... [查看全文]
Answered by Cyndi Perlman Fink Cyndi Perlman Fink的回复: How to buy strawberries ... 如何选购草莓。 Smell them. ... [查看全文]
1) The pleasant smell of first rain after a long time (called petrichor) is actually due to geosmin produced by... [查看全文]
Answered by Joey Frey Joey Frey的回复: I was on a train in Switzerland. The train came to a stop, and the co... [查看全文]
Answered by Tarun Rajkumar Tarun Rajkumar的回复: Many of us only know the world’s most famous landmarks through... [查看全文]
Answered by Palkush Rai Chawla Palkush Rai Chawla的回复: Each time you board a plane and look for your seat, a... [查看全文]
I'm surrounded by people who claim they enjoy life - but I've always had a hard time believing them. Life, to... [查看全文]