1.Is there such a thing as a useless person?1. 这世上有没有完全没用的人?Answered by Leonard KimLeonard Kim 回答:No... [查看全文]
Answered by Andy DentAndy Dent的回答:Trying to see if my daughter, maybe 4 or 5, was a pessimist or an optimis... [查看全文]
Answered by Anonymous From Space, you can still see the division between East and West Germany due to different ... [查看全文]
1.Your family problems aren't yours. 别让父母长辈间的问题成为你的问题。 2.Don't take yourself too seriously. ... [查看全文]
Answered by Karthik Venkatesh Karthik Venkatesh 回答: Let me tell you my story. 我来讲一个我自己的故事吧。 I have... [查看全文]
Answered by Michael Johnson Michael Johnson 回答: I've repeatedly tested at 162 and I am a complete dumbass. L... [查看全文]
Answered by Sam Morningstar Sam Morningstar 回答: Botched Restoration of Ecce Homo Fresco Shocks Spain 震惊西班牙... [查看全文]
在中国,很少会有人提及“新年决心”,通常我们见面会问:“新的一年到啦,你有什么愿望吗?”那么,东西方这一文化差异的关键在哪呢?我们... [查看全文]
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new t... [查看全文]
Answered by Brinda Sarkar Brinda Sarkar的回答: My younger brother was an excellent cricket player and I... well ... [查看全文]