Before Refrigerators Were Invented, How Did People Preserve Their Food (Particularly Meat) So That It Didn't Spoil... [查看全文]
What Were the Worst Two Minutes of Your Life?你一生中最糟糕的两分钟是怎样的?获得211好评的回答@Julian ArnoldA brick fel... [查看全文]
What are some of the best and truest life quotes?最好最可靠的生活语录有哪些?获得8k好评的答案@Nikhilesh Vaishy"You migh... [查看全文]
How do I celebrate my birthday when I am all alone in my life?当我在生活中独自一人的时候,我要怎么庆祝我的生日?I am... [查看全文]
What is the most difficult thing to learn and accept about life?生命中最难接受的事情是什么?获得3.5k好评的回答:@Tom W... [查看全文]
英语的重要性现在已经不言而喻了,而对于中国这样一个越来越国际化的国家,口语交流能力也变得越来越重要。不管你是要到高级企业就职,还是... [查看全文]
来自Jessica Margolin的回答You'll be able to relate well to all age levels when you, yourself are an adult. Age i... [查看全文]
When are the toughest times to be single?什么时候一个人很难熬?获得4k好评的答案@Kai Liu1. When you went to a buffet... [查看全文]
1.Use a checklist or to do list.1. 利用待办事项清单。Before starting the day, I try to have a short to do list... [查看全文]
What Is The Most Difficult Dish A Chef Can Produce?世界上最难做的美食是什么?获得91.9k的好评的回答@Dan Knight:I have ... [查看全文]