What should I do before my parents get old?父母老去前我该做点什么?获得2.4k好评的回答@Stacie Marie Carrel:THEY NEED:他... [查看全文]
What did you eat, only to regret it moments later?有什么食物是你吃完就后悔的?获得76.9k好评的回答@Ernest W. Adams:Ther... [查看全文]
What should I absolutely not do when visiting your country?去你的国家旅行时,哪些事绝对不能做?获得238好评的回答@Maura Ro... [查看全文]
What are the top 3 countries in Europe to travel to and why?欧洲哪3个国家最适合旅行?为什么?获得9.6k好评的回答@Kausha... [查看全文]
What Are the Negative Effects of Getting a High Salary?薪水高有什么坏处?获得311好评的回答@Rafey Iqbal Rahman1.One of... [查看全文]
Which chocolate brand is considered the most premium in the world?世界上最好的巧克力品牌是什么获得8000好评的回答@Yannick... [查看全文]
How can I tell if someone is just pretending to be my friend?我如何知道有人在假装跟我做朋友?获得18k 好评的回答@Ameya... [查看全文]
What Are Some Fruit Or Vegetable Skins That Are Edible But Most People Don't Eat? 哪些瓜果的皮能吃,但大部分人不知... [查看全文]
What are the most difficult and useful things people have to learn in their 20s?二十几岁的人最该学也最难学的是什么... [查看全文]
What's the best breakfast in the morning?你认为最棒的早餐是什么?获得38k好评的回答@Kalvin LamSteel cut oatmeal with ban... [查看全文]