How do I improve my reading comprehension in English?我怎样提高英语阅读能力?获得1.8k好评的回答@Pranit Nagare:Reading s... [查看全文]
Why do the British not feel European?英国人为什么不觉得自己是欧洲人?获得39.7k好评的回答 @Stuart Aitken:I spent a year... [查看全文]
What does sitting in the front of the classroom on the first day say about a student?第一天就坐前排的学生什么样?... [查看全文]
How do you recognize someone who really cares about you?你怎样确认一个人真在乎你?获得91.1k好评的回答@Doug Armey:When ... [查看全文]
What quote illustrates some excellent advice your father or grandfather gave you?你的爸爸或爷爷曾引用过哪些话给过你很棒... [查看全文]
How do you improve your conversation skills?怎样提升沟通技巧?获得51.6k好评的回答@Karim Elsheikh:Here are 7 ways to im... [查看全文]
What Is the Most Inappropriate Time You Have Ever Laughed?你笑得最不合时宜的一次?获得181好评的回答@Isha AroraI have a... [查看全文]
When The President Goes Out To Eat, Who Pays For The Food?总统出门吃饭,谁付钱?获得266.2k好评回答@Robert B. Dickerso... [查看全文]
How do American accents sound to British ears? Their accents sound so refined to us. Do we sound refined to th... [查看全文]
What are the best preserved medieval towns and cities in Europe?欧洲现存最完整的中世纪古城是哪?来自生于西班牙的 @Alber... [查看全文]