What are the study habits of top students at Oxford University?牛津大学学霸有什么学习习惯?获得44.7k好评的回答@Benjamin... [查看全文]
What is the best thing that money can buy?钱所能买到的最棒的东西是什么?获得1.9k好评的答案@Eivind KjørstadTime. More s... [查看全文]
How Do I Memorize Faster?如何才能更快地记住东西?获得97好评的回答@Lukas SchwekendiekRepetition is really the best way t... [查看全文]
What's the smartest thing you've ever seen someone do?你见过别人做什么最聪明的事?获得32.8k好评的回答@Anurag Chaudhary:W... [查看全文]
Eating: In Your Country, What Are The foods Usually Eaten For breakfast?在你的国家,人们早餐一般吃什么?Froylan Emilfe... [查看全文]
What is the difference between a girlfriend and a girl friend? Or a boyfriend and a boy friend?女朋友与女性朋友或... [查看全文]
What are some life-saving health tricks and hacks?有哪些足可救命的健康小窍门?获得229.9k好评的回答@Dave Consiglio:1.Don’... [查看全文]
What Is the Best Advice Your Mother Ever Gave You?麻麻曾给你们的最好忠告是什么?获得889好评的回答@Meenakshhi MishraNever... [查看全文]
What are some life hacks for a guy to look more handsome/attractive?有什么生活技巧能让一个男人看上去更帅气/迷人?获得3.... [查看全文]
What are some dressing hacks everyone should know?所有人都该知道的穿衣技巧是什么?获得273.2k好评的回答@Bhupinder Singh:Dr... [查看全文]