古人云,“少壮不努力,老大背单词”。各位挣扎在红黄蓝黑各种宝书中的同学或许要问,这单词要背到什么时候才算够?我们不妨来看看外国人的... [查看全文]
What Is The biggest Mindfuck Ever?哪些知识最毁三观?得票最多的回答 @Henry Johnson1. The continents look entirely diffe... [查看全文]
What are some street smart tips that could potentially help me one day?有什么街头智慧的建议终有一天会帮到我?获得11k好... [查看全文]
How can I tell if someone is just using me?我如何知道有人在利用我?获得74.1k好评的回答@Derrick Chavez:Definition: Give... [查看全文]
What were the most ridiculous startup ideas that eventually became successful?有哪些最荒唐的创业点子最后却成功了?获得30... [查看全文]
How many hours do top students study?学霸花几小时学习?获得17.8k好评的回答@Mike Lodato:In college, I encountered a ru... [查看全文]
What Are Some Funny Physics Jokes?有哪些搞笑的的物理学笑话?获得198好评的回答@Matt SuttonMy favorite is: Why did the p... [查看全文]
Economically, would you rather live in China or Japan?从经济上讲,你更愿意住在中国还是日本?来自@Ace Miller的回答:Talkin... [查看全文]
What is the best thing you have ever heard a teacher say?你听过老师的哪些金句?获得102好评的回答@Hope Laust“Go home... [查看全文]
Do most British still keep the traditional activities such as afternoon tea?大多数英国人还保持着喝下午茶这样的传统习俗... [查看全文]