How can you stop your addiction to sugar?怎么戒掉吃糖上瘾的习惯?获得1.8k好评的回答@Josephine Stefani :I am so proud... [查看全文]
What is one quality in a man which makes a woman fall in love with him?女人会爱上男人什么品质?获得16k好评的回答@Ch... [查看全文]
Do guys pay attention to how girls dress?男孩会注意女孩的穿着吗?获得67k好评的回答@Jake Steele:We pay attention, but ... [查看全文]
What motivates you to try to be better than the day you were before?什么事促使你努力变得比之前好?获得122.5k好评的回... [查看全文]
Why is it so common to be cold/unfriendly/antisocial in the UK?为什么在英国冷漠/不友好/反社会很普遍?获得9.8k好评的回答@... [查看全文]
Is Turkish Culture European Culture?土耳其文化算欧洲文化吗?获得19.7k阅读量180好评的回答@ Natalie :What is European? Gree... [查看全文]
Why don’t people consume pigs’ milk?为什么人们不喝猪奶?获得13.2k的好评回答@Pippi M. R. Groving:Because traditionally... [查看全文]
What is one small life change you have made recently to better your health?你最近生活中有什么小的改变改善了你的健康?... [查看全文]
How can I stay calm in difficult situations?遇到困难怎么保持冷静?获得286.3k好评的回答@Babloo Yadav:MS Dhoni was once... [查看全文]
What are the best travel hacks?有什么最好的旅行建议?获得7.5k好评的回答@Sameer Gupta:Deleting tourists from your travel... [查看全文]