How can I stop worrying about things that are beyond my control?我怎样才能不再为超出我能力范围的事担心?获得43.8k好评的... [查看全文]
My Mom Resents Me Because I'm Ugly. What Should I Do With My Life?我妈嫌我丑,我该怎么办?I have zero self esteem... [查看全文]
What is one small life change you have made recently to better your health?你最近有什么小的生活改变使你更健康了?获得... [查看全文]
获得100万好评的回答@Shataakshi Dube:My first semester at MIT was awesome - I was very motivated and got all A's,... [查看全文]
Is it okay to love someone knowing you can't be with them?你明知道无法和他/她在一起,却还是去爱他/她,这样好吗?获得4.5... [查看全文]
What Are Some Uncommon Ways to Work Smarter Instead of Harder?如何不走寻常路地高效做事?获得396好评的回答@Frank Magnott... [查看全文]
Why Do So Many Foreigners Go to China and Think China Is Good?为什么那么多外国人喜欢去中国,而且觉得中国很好?获得226... [查看全文]
What are the best quotes from anime?动画里的最棒的名言有哪些?获得132好评的答案@Prateek Kedia"Life isn't about what riv... [查看全文]
What are some mind-blowing facts about social psychology?有什么关于社会心理学的惊人事实?获得7k好评的回答@Aayush Shrivasta... [查看全文]
What Are Some of the Most Adorable Things that You Have Seen a Couple Doing?你见过的一对夫妇做了最令人羡慕的事是什么... [查看全文]