What's the Best Mistake You've Ever Made?你犯过最美好的错误是什么获得7.4k好评的回答@ Luke CrawfordI sent a job applica... [查看全文]
What's the world's largest city?世界最大城市是哪儿?获得171k的回答@Wenzhe Chen:As of 2015 the World Bank announced in... [查看全文]
Why are the students bored in schools?为什么学生在学校很无聊?获得328好评的回答@Andrea Scarlett:Well, it used to be f... [查看全文]
获得1.9k好评的回答@Fabien DehorsSociety:社会方面- We do the Bise (kiss on the chicks) when greeting women. Number of... [查看全文]
What do professors think of slow learners in the classroom?老师怎么看待学习慢的学生?获得272.3k好评的回答@Richard Muller... [查看全文]
I am the type of person who worries a lot, and stays worried most of the time. What can I do?我是没有安全感的... [查看全文]
Spending on what is absolutely a waste of money?钱花在哪里完全是一种浪费?获得3k好评的答案@Prathiksha KiniWEDDING!婚礼!Y... [查看全文]
What Types Of Food Do Western People Eat That Chinese Find Disgusting?有哪些老外的美食让中国人恶心?获得3k好评的回答@JC... [查看全文]
Would you visit China or Japan if given the choice, and why?如果你可以选,你愿意去中国还是日本旅游?为什么? Answer f... [查看全文]
What is the hardest thing in learning Russian? I'm wondering as a Russian.学俄语什么地方最难?作为俄国人我想知道答案。... [查看全文]