What are some uncommon habits that contribute to success?哪些非同寻常的习惯可以助你成功?获得108好评的回答@Nela Canovic:... [查看全文]
What is your most memorable cultural shock?你印象最深的文化冲击是什么?获得516好评的答案@Balraj RathodIn summer of 2015,... [查看全文]
Are there any lies that your parents told you as a kid that you believed for longer than you'd like to admit?... [查看全文]
What are the most popular types of tea consumed in Britain?英国人最喜欢哪种茶?获得5.6k好评的回答@Chris Sturt:Your qu... [查看全文]
What is the nicest thing you've ever done for a complete stranger and vice versa?你为素不相识的人做过什么最好的事,... [查看全文]
How Advanced Are Chinese High-speed Trains?中国的高铁有多先进?获得6.4k好评的回答@Robin DavermanThe Chinese high-speed rai... [查看全文]
How did exercise change your life?锻炼如何改变了你的生活?获得37k好评的回答@Raghavendra vadla:If I don’t answer this ... [查看全文]
How Do Top Students Study?真正的学霸是怎么学习的?获得279.4k好评的回答 @Ben Leong:Learn topics that you are taught as... [查看全文]
What Is the Greatest Persuasion Tactic to Use?怎样说服别人最有效?获得370好评的回答@Joe CasonAwkward Silence.令人尴尬的沉... [查看全文]
I don't want to do anything in life. I don't want to die either. How bad is this? 我不想死,但什么也不想做,怎么... [查看全文]