Ed Sheeran has 'married his fiancée Cherry Seabornin a low-key Suffolk ceremony'.艾德·希兰和他的未婚妻... [查看全文]
In a break with tradition, the Academy Awards in four categories will be presented during commercial breaks when... [查看全文]
韩国的很多流行团体如今火得一塌糊涂,各团体成员除了都是俊男美女,还有一个共同点,那就是长得太像了。他们不仅外貌相似,发型和妆容也几... [查看全文]
Many got to know her for playing brainy Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies. Now, after more than a de... [查看全文]
It's official: ABC's flagship comedy series Modern Family will wrap its run after one more season.官方消息... [查看全文]
2018 was all about diversity in the movies, filmindustries tried their best to include differentethnicities, races,... [查看全文]
今年的奥斯卡奖不设主持人也就罢了,还打算任性到底,将四个奖项的颁奖放在广告时段,这也就意味着电视机前的观众看不到这四个奖项的颁奖。... [查看全文]
The Louvre museum in Paris set a new visitor recordof 10.2 million in 2018. It marked a 25% rise invisitors ov... [查看全文]
Meghan Markle's former TV series Suits has beenaxed.梅根·马克尔之前的电视剧《金装律师》被砍掉了。The 37-year-old - ... [查看全文]