Boy band Westlife are getting back together -- seven years after they split.在解散7年之后,西城男孩要重组回归了。Kian... [查看全文]
It sounded like cats jumping off the Empire State Building. 听上去像一只猫从帝国大厦跳下来。 I'm going to... [查看全文]
让人春心荡漾的爱情电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》要拍续集了!喜大普奔!但是问题来了:导演想不出续集应该叫什么名字。网友纷纷表示,这有什么... [查看全文]
"Operation Red Sea" will represent China's HongKong Special Administration Region to compete for the Best Forei... [查看全文]
Rapper Kanye West is changing his name - to Ye.说唱歌手坎耶·韦斯特正在将自己的名字改为耶。Announcing the change on T... [查看全文]
With Timothee Chalamet making history earlier this year by becoming the youngest Best Actor nominee at the Oscars... [查看全文]
Apparently Her Majesty The Queen of England is very much NOT here for The Crown's second season, specifically... [查看全文]
如果你已经记不清上次看到一部好电影是什么时候,现在就是去电影院的好时机啦。十月的电影大牌影星云集、情节引人入胜,不管你是想看国际巨... [查看全文]
The first full episode of The Simpsons aired December 17, 1989.《辛普森一家》第一集于1989年12月17日播出。The Simpsons ... [查看全文]
Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn have kept their relationship very private since they started quietly dating last year,... [查看全文]