Known for decades as the master of the visual feast, maverick director Tsui Hark is returning to our screens wi... [查看全文]
When Beyonce and Jay Z are performing, all eyes are glue to the stage. Unless, that is, Barack Obama is rockin... [查看全文]
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is celebrating her 37th birthday on August 4, and it's a particularly special event... [查看全文]
It is the much-anticipated new project by director Quentin Tarantino, who has not released a film since 2015.这是... [查看全文]
暑期档已过半,有没有哪部电影让你印象深刻?如果没有,不如来看看BBC推荐的八月最佳影片,你将看到活了的玩具小熊和长大的克里斯托弗·罗宾... [查看全文]
The final season of Game Of Thrones' is set to debut in the 'first half' of next year, according to... [查看全文]
A gigantic inflatable Trump chicken donning a prison uniform is due to set sail from San Francisco Bay on a bo... [查看全文]
From the earliest days of college coeducation, women on campus have been subjected to scrutiny. Only since the a... [查看全文]
The show must gone on, so the saying goes.俗话说,演出一定要继续下去。So Taylor Swift, 28, didn't let the torre... [查看全文]
昨天,乔治小王子终于迎来了自己的5岁生日!为了纪念这一特殊的日子,肯辛顿行宫一如既往的公布了小王子的写真照。照片中,乔治小王子身穿白... [查看全文]