He was said to have pledged to 'get rid of the posh girls' when he took over editorship at Vogue magaz... [查看全文]
众所周知,前英格兰队球星贝克汉姆身上有多达40处各种各样的文身。不仅是他,很多球星身上的文身都引发粉丝的无数猜测。一起来看看这些足球... [查看全文]
She’s never received any professional training in acting or singing, and she suffers from hearing loss in o... [查看全文]
2018年世界杯将在俄罗斯拉开大幕。5月25日,俄罗斯世界杯官方主题曲发布,歌曲名为《放飞自我》(Live It Up),这首歌由威尔•史密斯... [查看全文]
流行天王迈克尔-杰克逊的神奇前倾舞步令人难忘。近日,印度三位神经外科专家对他的45度倾斜舞进行了研究。研究结果发现,他之所以能成功完... [查看全文]
Some are born to roam, but North Americans like to stay home.有些人天生爱漫游,但北美人喜欢呆在家里。People in the U... [查看全文]
A team of California scientists has been given $213,000 to study...cow farts.日前,加利福尼亚州的一个科学家团队得到了21... [查看全文]
Sylvia Chang, Taiwan’s answer to Barbra Streisand, is lauded equally for her singing, acting and filmmaking.... [查看全文]
网飞公司于美国当地时间本周一宣布与奥巴马夫妇正式签订了一项多年协议。奥巴马夫妇将参与制作电影和电视剧。外媒报道称,奥巴马与网飞合作... [查看全文]
你可能是玩叠叠乐游戏的高手,但是你玩过食物叠叠乐吗?最近网友们都在晒自己的食物叠塔作品,有的是用薯条叠成的,有的是用法式面包叠成的... [查看全文]