Massive ‘Betelgeuse’ star in Orion constellation due for explosive supernova猎户座中巨大的参宿四恒星即将爆炸... [查看全文]
Inks, paints, pigments, and dyes have come from the natural world for centuries.数百年来,墨水、颜料、涂料和染料都来源... [查看全文]
When you google "weight loss" the challenge to sort fact from fiction begins.当你开始谷歌减肥时,你就面临着从谎话中辨... [查看全文]
This tiny sachet the size of a sugar packet can be placed in a crate of fruit and it makes the produce last... [查看全文]
Airlines aren’t the worst polluters in the world, but planes do account for an incredible 2.5% of the worl... [查看全文]
What's eating Betelgeuse?什么东西正在吞噬参宿四的光?The star known as Betelgeuse used to be one of the brightest... [查看全文]
'Ring of Fire' solar eclipse marks last of 2019火圈日食标志着2019年终结A few select countries had the opport... [查看全文]
Could ancient stone circles have been conduits for lightning strikes?古代的石圈可能是雷击的管道吗?Ancient stone circles... [查看全文]
This Earth-sized planet turns out to be our nearly next-door neighbor这个地球大小的星球原来是我们的近邻It's not ev... [查看全文]
Eating chilies cuts risk of death from heart attack and stroke, study says研究表明,吃辣椒可以降低因心脏病和中风而死亡... [查看全文]