Chimp ‘conga line’ reveals how humans learned to dance: study黑猩猩的康加线揭示了人类是如何学会跳舞的:研究Bef... [查看全文]
Indonesian cave painting could be world’s ‘oldest story,’ archaeologists say考古学家说,印度尼西亚洞穴... [查看全文]
‘Magic mushrooms’ one step closer to approval for treating depression神奇蘑菇离被批准用于治疗抑郁症又近了一步... [查看全文]
Whether you’re waiting for a train, a friend or the kettle to boil, the likelihood is that you’ll ki... [查看全文]
Scientists Reveal Potential Trick To Slow Down An Anxiety Attack科学家揭示了减缓焦虑发作的潜在技巧In the last year, a... [查看全文]
Underground Fiber-Optic Cables Hold Potential For Monitoring Severe Weather地下光缆具有监测恶劣天气的潜力Take a moment ... [查看全文]
Scientists Just Created Quantum States in Everyday Electronics科学家们刚刚在日常电子产品中创造了量子态Quantum computing h... [查看全文]
We Just Got an Updated Estimate For The Age of The Milky Way我们刚刚得到银河系年龄的最新估计Like many other spiral... [查看全文]
It Turns Out Curious Head Cones in Ancient Egyptian Art Were Actually Real Hats原来,古埃及艺术中奇怪的头锥实际上是真... [查看全文]
The Oldest Story We've Ever Found Shows Supernatural Figures on The Hunt我们所发现的最古老的故事是关于超自然人物的... [查看全文]