Alcohol tolerance may have saved humanity’s ancestors from extinction酒精的耐受性可能使人类的祖先免于灭绝Our ancest... [查看全文]
Climate change is shrinking birds in the US: study气候变化导致美国鸟类体型减小Birds are shrinking and their wingspans... [查看全文]
Parkinson’s drug may help curb delusions in Alzheimer’s patients帕金森病药物可能有助于抑制老年痴呆患者的幻觉A... [查看全文]
Scientists say a once-a-month birth control pill works on pigs. They want to test it on people next科学家说一个月... [查看全文]
Scientists find mysterious galaxies that don't have any dark matter科学家发现了没有任何暗物质的神秘星系True to its... [查看全文]
Why NASA wants to 'touch the sun'为什么NASA想要触摸太阳The sun, the very centerpiece of our solar system an... [查看全文]
Your Ability to Recognise Dog Emotions Says Something About Where You Come From你识别狗狗情绪的能力说明了你来自哪里Aft... [查看全文]
Mysterious ring galaxy continues to puzzle astronomers神秘的环状星系一直困扰着天文学家Of all the galaxies observed by ... [查看全文]
Scientists Just Triggered The Coldest Chemical Reaction in The Known Universe科学家们刚刚引发了已知宇宙中最冷的化学反应S... [查看全文]
Americans wake up feeling grumpy an average of six times a week: survey一项调查显示,美国人平均每周有六次起床后感觉暴... [查看全文]