There's a fight in Congress over a new rule that would save Americans an estimated $17 billion a year. ... [查看全文]
A new study looked at how colors influence or biases the way consumers make ethical judgments, specifically i... [查看全文]
Emoji have grown considerably in popularity this year and the most used symbol on Twitter was the 'crying... [查看全文]
Experts reveal how to avoid embarrassment of buying the wrong gifts this ChristmasChristmas Day is for eating, dr... [查看全文]
难懂的口音和奇怪的公共交通习惯跻身外国人在英经历的最大文化冲击之列。 Confusing accents and odd public transport habit... [查看全文]
1.We wish you a Merry Christmas We Wish You A Merry Christmas 圣诞经典 - Children's Christmas Favorite... [查看全文]
The more he eats, the more he likes you, according to researchers. 研究表明,吃得越多暗示他越喜欢你。 A rece... [查看全文]
We've long been told that an apple a day keeps thedoctor away. 我们早就听过一天一苹果,医生远离我的说法。 ... [查看全文]
Humans are efficient sleepers, and that's why weneed less sleep - seven hours - compared to as muchas 14... [查看全文]