Happiness is in your genes it seems, according toresearch that shows the more people in a countrywho have a... [查看全文]
In an archived comic from Dog House Diaries, theartist places two near-identical images side by side.In the f... [查看全文]
美国当地时间2016年1月12日晚,奥巴马在华盛顿进行最后一次国情咨文,奥巴马都会说些什么呢?是拉选票?还是展望后奥巴马时代? 12条原... [查看全文]
President Barack Obama didn’t act like a typical president when he took a break from running the countr... [查看全文]
Four British lads travelled thousands of miles to put their British accents to use pulling American girls, an... [查看全文]
相信大家一定很熟悉《格林童话》中《白雪公主》的浪漫爱情故事,当然,帮助白雪公主逃离可恶后妈的七个小矮人也已经为大家所熟知啦~但... [查看全文]
1. Bill Gates比尔•盖茨 According to Forbes, Bill Gates owns around $81 billion. At the moment he is 59... [查看全文]
日前,中华春节符号组委会公布了中华春节吉祥物全球征集结果,年娃和春妮被选为中华春节吉祥物。据介绍,该设计创意源自金童玉女,有招财、... [查看全文]
小编前言:中国第一架也是全球首架民用载人无人机亮相美国拉斯维加斯消费电子展,这次的made in China,不再是简单的制作了,而是真... [查看全文]
我们的衣着选择暴露的个人信息比我们预想的要多。实际上,我们可以把衣着看做我们向他人展示自己的一种语言。 每件衣服是一个单词,... [查看全文]