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  Good news for soda lovers: Scientists appear to be one step closer to being able to regenerate teeth in hum... [查看全文]

2016-02-22双语阅读:打哈欠会互相传染 女性间尤如此

  It's a well-known fact that yawning is contagious and can spread around a room in a matter of seconds, ... [查看全文]


  真是闲处光阴易过,倏忽又是元宵佳节。四大名著《红楼梦》中对于元宵节的表述详尽其致:团圆饭(reunion dinner)、猜灯谜(guess lante... [查看全文]

2016-02-20双语阅读:智能手机霸天下 还有多少人看电视?

  The use of Internet-ready devices like smartphones appears to have seriously cut into American's traditional... [查看全文]

2016-02-20悲伤!南极一座冰山倒了 导致15万只企鹅死亡

  An enormous iceberg in Antarctica has killed off 150,000 penguins and threatens to wipe out an entire colony,... [查看全文]


  According to government officials in Anhui, starting from March, the province will offer between one to two d... [查看全文]


  Unlike dogs, cats don’t greet their owners with wagging tails and sloppy kisses, but that doesn’t ... [查看全文]


  What do you see? That's the question taking social media by storm as debate rages about what the image ... [查看全文]

2016-02-19我是自带杀气的猫 愚蠢的人类不准靠近我!

  Meet Koyuki, the grumpiest cat of all.  见见小雪(Koyuki)吧!史上不爽喵星人之最。  Hailing from Japan, the 9-year-... [查看全文]


  1 in 5 of us spend between 2 to 10 hours per week working from bed.  五分之一的人每周在床上工作2-10小时。  ... [查看全文]